Saturday, 5 May 2012

Lust Have It! - April

You cannot be a beauty fanatic without being subscribed to the latest craze - Sample box packages.

Lust have it is Australia's Birch Box/Glossy Box ($15 monthly subscription) and it is becoming a very big hit amongst Australia's beauty gurus. If you don't already know what this is all about, Lust have it and all the other brands provide customers the chance to try 5 or so sample size (and sometimes original size) products without having to feel the pressure of purchasing products and not liking it. It also gives a chance to try new products that you wouldn't bother looking at.

Most Aussies can agree with me that we are quite slow with everything beauty. Late with new products, with new launches, new brands, EVERYTHING.
But I must say that when it came to this sample box craze we didn't fall far behind. From what I know there are four companies that are providing us this service.

Lust Have it and Glossy Box formed one company, I Love This Box, Bella Box, Beauty Basket.

Out of these providers, Lust have it caught my eye the most and I have always been on the lookout of their boxes each month just to get the idea of how good their quality really is.
I got an email recently telling me that if I subscribed to them this time I would get two Lancome gifts worth $220. What did I do next? Of course I subscribed. HA.

I received my first box along with my free gifts two days ago and was squealing with excitement when I got home and found them on my bed.

My first impression was very good indeed. The bag that held the products is a nice blue that will do well as a make up bag. The products are decent sized so I do feel that I am getting more for my buck.

 Lancome Renergie Morpholift Nuit: Overnight Repositioning and firming cream, anti-wrinkle

Lancome Renergie Morpholift Yeux: Lifting and firming eye serum

I can't wait to try out these new products and also eagerly excited for my May Box!
Review coming soon!

Ciao Lovers! :) xx


  1. thanks for the lovely comment on my blog dear, would you like to follow each other?

  2. thats pretty good for $15!
